Operation Spring



Operation Spring was  launched on July 25-27, 1944, during the Battle of Normandy. The operation aimed to capture key positions south of Caen, France, and support the larger Allied offensive, including Operation Cobra by the Americans.

  • The 2nd Canadian Infantry Division, supported by tanks from the 2nd Canadian Armoured Brigade, led the assault.
  • Their objectives included capturing key villages like Verrières Ridge, May-sur-Orne, and Tilly-la-Campagne, vital for controlling the high ground.
  • The Canadians faced well-entrenched German forces, including elements of the 12th SS Panzer Division and the 1st SS Panzer Division (Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler).
  • Heavy resistance, powerful defensive fire, and poor visibility caused high casualties.
  • The operation failed to achieve its primary objectives, though it diverted German forces from other fronts.
  • Canadian forces suffered over 1,500 casualties, marking one of their most costly engagements in Normandy.

6 VP’s

Card Balance:

Allies – 5

Axis – 6














Battle of Normandy


Operation Spring



6 VP’s including territorial objectives for town captures


Countryside with a couple of hilly ridges angling across the central section.


Allies – 10 Infantry, 4 Armor, 1 Artillery

Axis –  7 Infantry, 4 Armor, 2 Artillery


medal allies

Allied Strategy:

1.  Your artillery in the right flank can control all the area around St. Andre.  If you move it forward just one row towards the center, and position it between both sections, you will be in a better offensive position to control the right flank, but more importantly, can support the attack against the central hills with 2D rolls.

2. If you get the right set of cards, you can quickly gain the hilly advantage in the center section. From there you will be able to make things much for difficult for the Axis forces. But be aware that your plan must include an assault on the Allies central artillery, and medal objective. 

medal axis

Axis Strategy:

1.  Your trapped artilley behind the Orne River will only be basically useful for defensive purposes, should the enemy make a fool-hard assault on that flank.

2.  Your artillery in the town of Verriers will be the key to controlling the central section and eliminating any enemy forces that try to control the central hills.

3.  One of the two armor on your right flank should be placed on the ridge in the central section as both a deterrant, and eventual attack function.  The other can either defend against any attack towards the town of Tully-la-campaigne, or eventual move into the center to support that attack vector.

BR - Operation Spring



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