Memoir 44 is loved by fans around the world of both war games and military history for its re-enactments of actual World War 2 battles.
New to Memoir 44?
Memoir 44 is a fantastic strategy game which blends a perfect combination of strategy, tactics, dice play, and hand managments. It is a turn-based hex war game that recreates actual battle scenarios from WW2. The game involves two players and can typically be completed in less than an hour. The game involves dice, cards, and figures representing tanks, infantry and artillery. The battle map is divided into three sections, a center, and a left and right flank. The cards determine which of the three sections you can move your troops. The combination of which cards one possesses, which dice are thrown, and in what order it is all played, makes for a very interesting and challenging game. |
Here are a few highlights you may like:
1. Registration is Fixed
We seem to have had a problem registering new users, but it looks like that has been fixed. Give it a try!
2. Forum
Share your favorite scenarios. Upload pics of some of your coolest tactical combos. Discuss strategy & tactics.
3. Track those Tactical Cards
Knowing that the Tactics cards can win or lose a game, it is important to know which have been used already. At the Strategy – Card Counts section, you can track the cards used for any scenario.
4. After Action Reports
We are rebuilding the stats on After Action Reports. When you finish a scenario, please find it in the Scenarios page. At the bottom of each scenario is a place to submit your results. Who won: Axis or Allies? Thanks for helping us to start tracking those once again.
4. Memoir 44 Tournaments!
The Chicago Open is happening in April, and the National Open is happening in Chatanooga in June. You can check both of these out in the Links & Resources / Events page.

[ pic courtesy of Bigsmit19 ]

General Howitzer
is a long-time veteran of strategy games, starting with chess, and then especially hex-based war games. This includes the old hex games using the small carboard chits to represent units with attack, defense, and movement points. It also includes the classic Axis & Allies, with the three day long games!, and complex, detailed rules. But they were all fun.
Memoir 44 is a perfect blend of strategy, tactics, luck and planning. With options for the table game, or the online versions, there is always an opportunity for great gameplay with friends and new friends online.
This website is a Strategy & Tactics Community for all fans of Memoir 44. Feel free to send in your scenarios & links to resources. Join the discussion on the Forum, and rate your favorite scenarios.
We want to remember and honor those who put their lives on the line, and fought for freedom in World War Two. May the memory of their sacrifices live on.
~~ General Howitzer

Want to improve your game?
1. Study this website
2. Play on BoardGameArena.com
3. Buy the table game and play with friends!

( This image and most other historical photos on this site are compliments of the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration. )