What would you do as your first move?

So my very first action as Allies, was to pull back my forces. The Axis were coming in hot with six hexes of infantry against my group of three.
So I pulled back my already half-power infantry at d5 to the hill at E4. And my three-quarter power infantry at F4 to the hill at F3; and my third infantry which was actually only two hexes away from the enemy Infantry at G6, to the forest at G3.
The end result was that all three of my infantry were able to make 1D attacks, resulting in only a loss for the enemy of 1 figure.
But my forces were secure for the next enemy attack. And since I was outnumbered, I thought that placement in defensive positions on the hills and forest was the best spot from which to battle.
Agree or Disagree? Do you think I should have moved forward and attacked, in the hopes of taking out one unit? Or backup and fight more slowly and less powerfully?
~~ General Howitzer.