Iwo Jima - the Meat Grinder

The “Meat Grinder” was a term used by U.S. Marines to describe a particularly brutal section of the Battle of Iwo Jima, fought from February to March 1945.  Japanese forces had heavily fortified positions with bunkers, tunnels, and artillery, making them incredibly difficult for the Marines to capture.

Fighting in the Meat Grinder was intense and grueling, with Marines facing fierce resistance and suffering high casualties as they advanced yard by yard. The Japanese defenders used every advantage, including concealed machine gun nests and artillery, to inflict maximum damage on U.S. forces.

After days of relentless combat and heavy losses, the U.S. Marines eventually overcame the Japanese defenses in the Meat Grinder. The capture of this area was crucial to securing Iwo Jima, allowing U.S. forces to move further across the island and ultimately achieve victory.

 7 VP’s

Card Balance:

Allies – 5

Axis – 5









Iwo Jima










7 VP’s


Island jungles and hills with caves, allowing for quick movement by Japanese

Allies – 10 Infantry, 7 Armor, 2 Artillery 

Axis –  9 Infantry, 2 Armor, 3 Artillery

Allied Strategy:

1. Because the Engineers can avoid terrain restrictions during close assault, you need to quickly get them up to the sandbagged hills where the enemy are lodged, and dislodge them!

2.  Use your artillery to soften up the enemy before the assault.

3.  You need 7 VP’s to win, so you are going to have to address the artillery and deal with it.

4.  Your forces on the right and center sections are really bunched together. You need to get some early movement for your infantry, or they will be subjected to some no-retreat hits.

Axis Strategy:

1.  You are outnumbered in the center and right sections. Your left flank has more units than the enemy. If you can get your armor into position to defend the open terrain, it will make it difficult for the enemy to move approach.

2.  You outnumer the enemy with artillery, 3-2, so use it to soften up the enemy as they approach.

3. Make good use of your full-powered units through the Seishin Kyoiko Doctrine (SKD), to advance on the enemy and roll the extra dice to quickly knock them senseless.

Classic Battle Reports:

(percentage of Allied victories)


BR - Iwo Jima



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