Sidi Rezegh Airfield

The Battle for the Sidi Rezegh Airfield (November 19–22, 1941) was a pivotal engagement during Operation Crusader in the North African Campaign of World War II. Located near Tobruk in Libya, the airfield was a strategic point fiercely contested between British Commonwealth forces, particularly the South African 1st Division and British 7th Armoured Division, and the German-Italian Panzer Army under General Erwin Rommel.
The battle began as part of the Allies’ efforts to relieve the besieged garrison at Tobruk. Commonwealth forces launched a coordinated assault on Sidi Rezegh, encountering stiff resistance from the Axis, including German tanks and anti-tank defenses. After initial success, the Allies were counterattacked by Rommel’s forces, resulting in intense fighting and heavy casualties on both sides.
Though the British ultimately failed to hold the airfield, their efforts contributed to weakening Rommel’s forces and disrupted Axis supply lines. The broader Operation Crusader eventually succeeded in lifting the siege of Tobruk, marking a turning point in the North African Campaign.
5 VP’s
Card Balance:
Allies – 4
Axis – 5
North Africa
This desert scenario has a roadway passing through two sections cutting at an angle, blocked by escarpments. This is a tank battle ‘mano-a-mano’ and in many cases the attacker with the early momentum can gain the upper-hand and win.
This is a 5 VP game, and since it is a tank battle will go very quickly. The Axis begins with one point already, thanks to their control of the airfiled. 2.
The field of play is all desert, with an escarpment and road running at any angle through much of the right flank. The small opening between escarpments is where the Axis will have to attack. The British can attempt to use the road for rapid progress towards the top of the map where the airfield lies.
The Axis begin with an armor and mobility advantage to their side. The British also have no infantry, so some of infantry command cards will be converted to sigle armor unit commands.
Allied Strategy:
1. Allies need to remember that because of North African Desert rules, your armor can only move two hexes, while Axis can move three. Watch your armor placement carefully to avoid a series of close assault attacks.
2. The Allied armor begins in a congested formation with several units having no retreat options. This places the Allies in a position, since they move first of attacking the Axis armor immediately, before they are attacked – while they are still pinned against the back border – by the three-hex moving Axis units. So even if the card do not allow you to move a lot of units, you simply must attack and get your forces forward.
3. The British will need to attack an overwhelming tank force which has greater mobility than them (3 hex moves vs. 2 hex moves). In order to do this, it may help to threaten an attack on the airfield, thus diverting some Axis armor resources towards defense of said airfield.
Axis Strategy:
1. Axis begins with one victory medal for the airfield. As long as they hold the airfield, they keep the medal. So part of Axis’ considerations and planning must not only include the outrigth attach on the Allies in the sand, but also thought must be given to defending the airfield. Do not allow the Allies to distract you, while they prepare for an assault against it.
Battle Reports
(percentage of Allied victories):
Days of Wonder