

The Battle of Sainte-Mère-Église occurred on June 6, 1944, during the D-Day invasion of Normandy. It was one of the first towns in France to be liberated by the Allies.

Paratroopers from the U.S. 82nd Airborne Division were dropped near the town as part of Operation Neptune, with the goal of securing key roadways and preventing German reinforcements from reaching the beaches. Some paratroopers landed directly in the town, where they encountered German troops and chaotic fighting ensued.

After intense fighting, the American paratroopers secured Sainte-Mère-Église, achieving a critical objective. The capture of the town disrupted German counterattacks and facilitated the Allied advance inland from Utah Beach, making it a vital early success in the Normandy Campaign.

4 VP’s


Card Balance:

Allies – 5

Axis – 4








June 6th, 1944


Western Front


Normandy Campaign


Operation Neptune


The option to drop paratroopers in either of the three sections at the start of the battle makes for a very interesting strategy, and a battle that varies quite a bit from game to game. Is there a better choice between dropping the paratroopers in the center section, or left or right flank? It comes down to the cards in your hand. So before you do the para-drop, check your cards, and determine where your most likely result of overwhelming force will occur. Combine a strong set of cards, with the presence of 3 or 4 additional infantry, could turn the tide in favor of the Allies.

Objectives:  4 VP’s

This is a four VP game, so there it is fast, and there is no room for mistakes. It is not so much about strategic positioning; it is about hitting the enemy hard and fast.


Countryside with forests on each side of the town of Mere-Eglise in the center section.


Allies – Infantry, 6 -10, depending on the success of the paradrop.

Axis – 9 Infantry, 1 Armor

medal allies

Allied Strategy:

1. Check your cards before you drop. Then use the drop to give even more power in your strong section. However, note that there is no guarantee that all four paratrooper units will survive the drop. You may end up with half of the force you expect. And you must be prepared for that contingency, should you drop them in the midst of enemy forces. A good commander prepares for this eventuality.

2. Your center section infantry should be ready to deploy in either direction, depending on enemy actions.

3. If you can maximize your firepower in one section, and quickly destroy the enemy, then you may have enough time and movement to bring your forces to strengthen the attack in the next section.

4. The Allies control five cards to the Axis four, so the principles of flexibility and responsiveness are on your side.

medal axis

Axis Strategy:

1.  You are going to have to respond to the surprise attack by the Allies before you can do much else. But as soon as you have a chance, move your Armor out into the battle.

2.  You will have superior forces on whichever side they did not drop into, so do what you can to get your four kills before their forces overwhelm you. Your armor will be essential to the win.


Battle Reports

(percentage of Allied victories):


BR - Eglise


Days of Wonder

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