Moyland Wood (Operation Veritable)

The Battle of Moyland Wood, part of Operation Veritable, took place in February 1945 near the village of Moyland in Germany. It was a significant engagement between British and Canadian forces of the Allied 21st Army Group and German forces as the Allies sought to clear the Reichswald Forest and advance into the Rhineland. The battle featured British and Canadian forces facing German defenders, including the 116th Panzer Division. Fierce fighting in dense woods and muddy terrain saw the Allies overcoming stiff German resistance and counterattacks. The Allies secured Moyland Wood, enabling their continued advance toward the Rhine. The battle highlighted the challenges of wooded combat and the importance of infantry-armor-artillery coordination.
6 VP’s
Card Balance:
5 – 5
Operation Veritable
Operation Veritable
in this scenario is the town of Louisendorf and its victory points. The forms the crux of the battle strategy in many cases.
Moyland Wood has a range of hilly hexes cutting across diagonally. There are two Axis VP’s right in the center town hexes. The Allied forces are scattered across the battlefield, in control of several hills, thus slowing down the forward advance of the Axis forces toward the VP town objectives.
Allies – 10 Infantry, 5 Armor, 1 Artillery
Axis – 9 Infantry, 4 Armor, 2 Artillery
Allied Strategy:
1. The number one objective for Allies is to not easily surrender Louisendorf and its victory medas. As one is able, some of the center infantry should be placed into the town.
2. The round begins with the Allies scattered across the battlefield with no cohesive organizing principle. They will need to very quickly assemble and organize for an attack strategy before the Axis picks off the individual units. The Allied player needs to spend some time just arranging the troops into a battle plan.
3. At the start of the game, the advanced Allied infantry in the center section should really pull back into the town of Louisendorf for two reasons: first because the advanced unit is subject to multiple attacks from nearby Axis units with very little of its own supporting units to help support it, and second, in order to solidify a defense in the town.
4. Be wary of the well-placed artillery on your left flank, and the sandbagged infantry in the woods. It is really a losing battle to attack that flank unless you have an outstanding set of attack cards for that section.
5. Note that the ridge-line on your left flank is within the two-dice hex range of the artillery. So should you think about placing your armor on the point, which would make a great offensive and defensive position, if the enemy has the right combination of cards that flank, they will be able to attack and degrade the armor fairly quickly.
Axis Strategy:
1. Number one objective for Axis is to target the town of Louisendorf and its VP. The Axis begin the game with an outstanding offensive & defensive position on their right flank. Use it early on to hit the Allied units which are pressed up against the back boundary. Without a retreat option, the odds increase nicely for some successful kills.
2. Note that your forces on your left flank are fairly exposed, and backed up agains the boundary. Should the Allies get some armor on the hill facing your forces, they will be able to deal some damage rather quickly.
3. As cards allow, gather your forces for an assault on the center, with the town hexes as your objective. And while the enemy is distracted defending for the impending attack, use your overwhelming firepower on your right flank to pick off units and gain one or two VP’s.