Matanikau River

The battle near the Matanikau River in 1942 was a key engagement during the Guadalcanal Campaign in the Pacific Theater of World War II. It involved several clashes between the United States Marines and Imperial Japanese forces as the Marines sought to secure their perimeter around Henderson Field, a critical airstrip on Guadalcanal.
The main actions occurred between September and November 1942, with intense fighting focused on crossing the Matanikau River and eliminating Japanese positions that threatened the Marine stronghold. The Japanese aimed to dislodge the Marines from Guadalcanal, while the Marines sought to consolidate their hold on the island.
The battles near the Matanikau River helped the Marines weaken Japanese forces on Guadalcanal, contributing to the eventual Allied victory in the campaign. The fighting highlighted the importance of combined arms coordination and air superiority in the Pacific War.
5 VP’s
Card Balance:
Allies – 6
Japanese – 6
Pacific Theater
This scenario is pretty much an infantry battle with a bit of artillery support.
Five VP’s, plus Exit hexes
The Matanikau River cuts across the battlefield and presents a challenge for both forces as they try to maneuver and attack one another. And there are series of beach hexes along one flank which provides a rapid transit path for attacks.
Allies – Infantry 7, Artillery 3
Axis – 10 Infantry, 2 Armor, 2 Artillery
Allied Strategy:
1. Your forces are outnumbered by the Japanese, so unless you have the cards for it, stay behind the sandbags.
2. You have three artillery, so use them whenever you can.
3. Protect the backrow from any Japanese forces that may try to escape.
Axis Strategy:
1. You have a strong presence on the right flank. If you get the cards, you should push forward and take control.
2. If you are able to advance all the way across the battlefield, you may be able to help some troops escape.
3. You have armor and the Allies do not, so move them in and make them feel your firepower!
4. You also have two artillery, so if you can move them forward, you will be able to throw 2D attacks across the river.
Battle Reports (percentage of Allied victories):
Days of Wonder