Market Garden (Nijmegen Bridges)


The Battle of Nijmegen Bridge was a key engagement during Operation Market Garden in September 1944, a large Allied operation aimed at securing key bridges in the Netherlands to create a direct route into Germany.

The battle focused on the Allies’ efforts to capture the vital bridges over the Waal River at Nijmegen, which were heavily defended by German forces. U.S. paratroopers from the 82nd Airborne Division and British ground forces worked together in a challenging assault. A daring river crossing by the U.S. paratroopers in small boats under intense fire allowed the Allies to outflank German defenses and seize the bridges.

Although the bridges were successfully captured, delays in the operation and stiff German resistance elsewhere, particularly at Arnhem, ultimately caused Operation Market Garden to fall short of its objectives. Nevertheless, the Nijmegen Bridge battle demonstrated exceptional courage and coordination, marking one of the most dramatic moments of the campaign.

6 VP’s


Card Balance:

Allies – 6

Axis – 5

Allies move first.

Complexity: 4











Western Front


Operation Market Garden



6 Medals including bridge hex objectives.


Countryside with a river and train tracks cutting across the battlefield.


Allies –  7 Infantry, 6 Armor, 1 Artillery

Axis – 9 Infantry, 1 Armor, 1 Artillery

medal allies

Allied Strategy:

1.  Use your armor to attack the many defensive positions of the enemy.  When the time is right, then capture your objective medals.

2.  Take the time to move your artillery into a more centralized position for attack.

3.  The Axis forces are so well-defended that you will need to attack them from a distance and significantly degrade them before direct assaults.  But you need to do this quickly as many of their forward forces are close to your and able to launch some subtantial attacks against you.

4.  The Axis Artillery is a Big Gun! That means that once they hone in on you with one hit, they are able to increase the dice attacks by one. So if they hit you once, and you have any figures remaining in the hex, you need to bug out, and move those figures to a new hex. 

medal axis

Axis Strategy:

1.  The Allies have an overwhelming armored force, so much of your work is defensive in nature, although you should pursue any soft targets you can locate. However, your two advanced infantry forces in the center have the ability to do significant damage to the enemy armor if you can quickly attack them while they are in no-retreat positions.  Be aggressive and you may be rewarded!

2.  There are two bridge objectives which you must protect. Stay close to each of them, and protect them well.

3.  Your Artillery is a Big Gun, so use it on semi-permanent targets so that you can take advantage of the additional die roll.

BR - Nijmegen


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