Japanese Counterattack

The “Japanese Counter-Attack” phase refers to the counteroffensives launched by Japanese forces in the Pacific Theater.  One notable example occurred during the Battle of Guadalcanal, from August 1942 to February 1943. After U.S. Marines secured a critical airfield on Guadalcanal, known as Henderson Field, the Japanese launched multiple counterattacks to reclaim it. These counteroffensives, involving intense jungle fighting and night assaults, aimed to dislodge the U.S. forces from their foothold. The Japanese committed significant naval and infantry resources, but despite their efforts, they struggled to overcome the U.S. defenses and secure sustained supply lines.

6 VP’s

Card Balance:

Allies – 6

Axis – 5










Pacific Theater




The Japanese Counterattack takes place on the same battlefield as the Guam Landings, but the game mechanics are pretty much reversed.

Six VP’s, plus each side has a permanent Objective Medal hex which they can seek.

Jungle with a V-shaped river cutting right through the map.

Marines – 9 Infantry, 2 Armor, 2 Artillery.
Japanese – 12 Infantry.

Allied Strategy:

1.  With three artillery, and one armor, the Marines have more firepower than the Japanese. But the artillery is limited for much of the game by night visibility rules, which slowly improve throughout the game.  So take your time to get your troops arranged, and your card management under control, to allow more daylight to help your attack and defense.

2. Your tank is stuck back in the left corner of the fight, so take advantage of the early turns to get it into play.

3.  Remember that the Japanese practice the Seishin Kyoiku Doctrine. If they have all four units and are fighting at close combat, they role four! dice, not three.  So during the game, one of the objectives the Marines need to practice is to take off at least one figure per hex. This will actually count as two in terms of reducing the Japanese firepower for subsequent attacks. 

Axis Strategy:

1.  Big picture strategy for the Japanese forces is to quickly overwhelm a flank with infantry forces who are still fully intact so that you can use the Seishin Kyoiku Doctrine against the Marines.  Because of the four! Allied artillery, the center section is kind of a kill box.  So the best hope is to move down one of flanks as the cards dictate.

2.  Night-time conditions are to your advantage because the Allies have so much firepower.  Therefore your best attacks will be immediately, before the dice rolls enough stars to bring out the full ranged artillery attacks.

Battle Reports (percentage of Allied victories):


(These are the historical records. For new stats, record your games in the poll to the right.)

BR - Japanese-Counter


Days of Wonder


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