Into the Cauldron


The “Into the Cauldron” phase refers to a critical point during the Second Battle of El Alamein in World War II, which took place in North Africa from October 23 to November 11, 1942. This battle was between the British Eighth Army, under the command of General Bernard Montgomery, and the German-Italian Panzer Army, led by Field Marshal Erwin Rommel.

6 VP’s

Card Balance:

Allies – 4

Axis – 5








North Africa




Mediterranean Theater


Battle of El Almein



6 VP’s, plus Exit Hex Medals


This desert scenario has a series of sand dunes across the center of all three sections on which are perched sandbagged Axis troops ready for battle. The challenge for the Allies is with their greater armored forces are to force their way through to victory.


Allies –  7 Infantry, 7 Armor

Axis – 8 Infantry, 5 Armor

Allied Strategy:

1.  The Allies have numerical superiority on the left flank, which can be exploited. Also note that the Allies have a 7 -5 advantage with armor. It is important to quickly take advantage of this superiority, as desert warfare can very quickly turn around with a few well-rolled armor attack dice.

2. Use any attack cards you get, to pull your armor forward one hex, and aim their turrets at the enemy three hexes away on the dunes. In this way, you can start to degrade the enemy attack from the dunes. With some well-rolled dice, you can attack the sandbagged infantry from a distance, and possibly score a quick VP. But be wary of the sandbagged armor units on each flank, which are well protected, and can very quickly knock out your armor units with a few attacks. Also the sandbagged anti-tank units can score against your armor with stars, thus raising the likelihood of a successful armor hit from 33% to 50% per dice roll.

3. You have two units of hexes in bunkers deep in the enemy territory, next to the exit hexes. Be very careful about moving them from the bunkers. Once you do so, all their protection is gone, and since they are surrounded by enemy troops, will be destroyed quickly. But if you keep them in the bunkers and use them as harassment, they can distract the Axis troops from applying all of their fire-power at the unprotected Allied troops trying to make an attack uphill against the sandbagged Axis defenders.


1. One special Victory Point which the Axis can take advantage of is the escape hex through the minefield. Don’t waste a lot of your forces trying to find it, but one unit assigned to opening the escape path while the rest battle the British could be a path to an ‘easy’ VP.

2.  The Allies have a numerical superiority of armor.  Don’t launch an armor attack prematurely.  Use your sandbagged infantry and armor units to slowly degrade the enemy. Be prepared should they try to launch an assault. Keep your responsiveness ready so you are prepared for whichever direction they come.

3.  Watch out for the two enemy infantry units lodged in the bunkers along the backrow. Have an armor unit ready to respond with devastating force should they venture out of the bunkers.

Battle Reports

(percentage of Allied victories):


BR - Cauldron


Days of Wonder


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