Gates of Moscow (Typhoon)


Operation Typhoon was the German military campaign to capture Moscow during World War II, launched in early October 1941 as part of their broader invasion of the Soviet Union (Operation Barbarossa). The offensive aimed to deliver a decisive blow by taking the Soviet capital before winter set in.

German forces, under Field Marshal Fedor von Bock, advanced with two large army groups and made initial gains, encircling and destroying significant Soviet forces. However, stiff Soviet resistance, logistical challenges, and worsening weather slowed the German advance. Muddy conditions in October, followed by the onset of harsh winter, further hampered their progress.

By December 1941, Soviet reinforcements, including Siberian troops acclimatized to winter warfare, launched a counteroffensive under General Georgy Zhukov. The Red Army pushed the Germans back from the outskirts of Moscow, marking the first major defeat of the German Wehrmacht in the war. Operation Typhoon demonstrated the limits of Germany’s Blitzkrieg strategy against a determined and well-resourced opponent.

7 VP’s

Card Balance:

Allies – 5

Axis – 5










Eastern Front




Operation Typoon


The Gates of Moscow is a complex scenario which results in a brutal battle with many digital ‘casualties’ on both sides.


7 VP’s, including two Objective Medals for Axis


Frozen field with Kaluga river cutting vertically and a ridge of hills cutting across horizontally.


Allies – 10 Infantry, 2 Armo, 2 Artillery

Axis – 10 Infantry, 8 Armor, 1 Artillery

Allied Strategy:

1. Big picture strategy for the Allies. This is a defensive scenario, so stay behind your sandbags and defend the two medal objectives.  Move your Artillery and Armor forward into the battle.

2.  Although there is a large Axis force massed against the Allies, the Axis side starts back against the game border. Allies can use this to their advantage, by turning retreat flags into deadly kills. Target the Axis forces which have no retreat available to them. This will increase your odds of a kill by another 17%. This increases the likelihood of an armor hit from 33% to 50%, and an infantry hit from 50% to 67%.

Axis Strategy:

1.  Big picture strategy for Axis is to disperse your bunched-up troops and concentrate your forces on the front-line enemy to eliminate them as quickly as possible before they score too many hits against your forces.

2.  Keep pushing forward as you attack with the goal to eventually be to capture the bridge hex medal (often as a final decisive move to end the game).

3.  This is a long scenario of 7 medals, so you will have to take out the centrally located enemy Artillery. It is sand-bagged on a hill, but it needs to be attacked quickly.


Battle Reports (percentage of Allied victories):


(These are historical records. The poll on the right is new results.)

BR - Gates


Days of Wonder



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