Flanking Maneuver at Bir Hakeim

The Flanking Maneuver at Bir Hakeim refers to a significant episode during the Second Battle of El Alamein and the broader Western Desert Campaign of World War II, which took place in May-June 1942. Bir Hakeim was the site of a crucial defensive stand by the Free French Forces under General Philippe Leclerc and other Allied troops, who were part of the defensive line against the Axis forces under Field Marshal Erwin Rommel. The battle is noted for a daring and effective flanking maneuver by the Axis forces, but also for the courage and resilience of the Free French and their eventual escape.
5 VP’s
Card Balance:
Allies – 5
Axis – 6
North Africa
Mediterranean Theater
The Axis have a superior force against the British in this scenario. But the British are defended by a series of sandbagged infantry, and another set hidden behind mines and wire rolls. The Bir Hakeim Oasis provides medical relieft and restoration to Allied troops, just like a Medics and Mechanics card. So this adds an interesting element to the game.
Five hexes, plus the Axis have two hexes with Medal Objectives plus a set of Exit Hexes to go for.
Open desert with one three hex berm cutting an an agnel in the center section. There is also a large minefiled on the Allies right blank, laid by the Allies.
British – 7 Infantry, 2 Armor, and 1 Artillery. British troops are guarded by sandbags and mines.
Axis – 7 Infantry, 6 Armor, and 1 Artillery
Allied Strategy:
1. First moves: Your infantry behind the minefield will quickly be under attack from the enemey armor. Be prepared with a response. Also your armor is kind of out of the action at the start of the scenario, so get them up onto some berms to be prepared to attack the enemy. Recognize that you will get attacked by enemy armor, but it will be from a position of strength.
Axis Strategy:
1. As the Axis commander it is your job to locate where you will gain the five VP’s for this scenario. Many of the Allied infantry are sandbagged up on dunes, and it will be a slow slog to pick them off with your armor. But the infantry behind the minefield is more availble. There is one in a bunker and then two unprotected. But watch out as one of those infantry units is actually an Anti-tank Gun which can hit Armor with grenades, armor, and stars on the dice roll. So you may be able to get two possibly three units from your left flank. The other two VP’s will have to come from enemy armor, two units, or one armor and one infantry perhaps.
2. If the cards warrant it, try to concentrate your forces in the center section so that you can quickly respond to needs in either flank.
3. You have an artillery; use it. If you move it foward one row, the sand-bagged infantry will be within your two-dice bombardments.
Classic Battle Reports:
(percentage of Allied victories)
Days of Wonder