Counter-attack on Mortain

The Counter-Attack on Mortain, also known as Operation Lüttich, was a German offensive in early August 1944 during World War II, aimed at retaking the town of Avranches and halting the Allied advance in Normandy. Launched on August 7, the operation focused on breaking through American lines around Mortain to cut off Allied forces moving toward Brittany.

The Germans initially made some progress, but the counterattack was quickly blunted by strong American defenses and overwhelming Allied air superiority. American troops, supported by concentrated artillery and tactical air strikes, successfully repelled the offensive, causing significant German losses.


4 VP’s

Card Balance:

Allies – 6

Axis – 5










Western Front



Operation Luttich


As it was historically, the Allies are very well protected, and controlling most of the field of play.


4 VP’s, and one Objective Medal for Axis


This scenario has a nice combination of hills, forests, and hedgerows scattered across the battlefield. There is also a river in one corner making it difficult for extra infantry and armor to engage in the war.


Allies – 9 Infantry, 2 Armor, 2 Artillery

Axis – 7 Infantry, 6 Amor

Allied Strategy:

1. You have the advantage of terrain control, defensive positions in hedgrows, forests and towns. But you need to take advantage of it by quickly attacking where you can.

2. Your right flank is your weak one, being outnumbered by enemy forces, 5 to 2.  Use your infantry on Hill 317 to attack the no-retreat armor before it moves away.

3.  Then move your infantry in the back of the right flank forward into the town of Mortain to support your other infantry unit on the hill, and to box in the enemy even more than they are already.

4. If you have the movement points, you can place your infantry at I1 into the village to defend the Objective Medal.

5. Get your armor in your left corner into the action ASAP. If you can get over to the river before the enemy has moved into safety, you can score one or two VP’s by attacking them in their no-retreat positions.

Axis Strategy:

1.  Your forces on the left flank are bunched up, and you have a no-retreat armor ready to get hit by the infantry hidden in the woods. You need to create some mobility on your left and some of your troops into the woods to attack the enemy.

2. Your right flank is equally problematic. You are a sitting duck back against the border. So you need to get those troops into safety into the nearby towns, at least. Even better if you have the cards to move them out into the action. Or else when the enemy armor in the upper right flank becomes mobile, they will make their way down and easily destroy one or two units.

3.  It is going to be difficult to get all four VP’s, so you should target the Objective Medal in the village on your left flank. If your armor can survive the infantry attacks as you make your way there, it will be an important VP for you.

Classic Battle Reports

(percentage of Allied victories):


BR - Mortain


Days of Wonder


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