Breakout to Lisyanka

The Breakout to Lisyanka was a key engagement during World War II, fought in early 1944 on the Eastern Front. The battle saw Soviet forces encircling a large German force. The Germans attempted to break out from the encirclement to link up with their reinforcements near Lisyanka, with fierce fighting as they sought to escape Soviet attacks.

While some German units managed to break through, the escape was costly, with heavy losses in men and equipment. The Soviet success significantly weakened German capabilities in Ukraine, contributing to the broader Soviet advance in the region. The battle is often highlighted as a key moment in the Soviet efforts to liberate occupied Ukraine.

7 VP’s

Card Balance:

Allies – 4

Axis – 5










Eastern Front




The goal for the Axis is to breakthrough, as the name implies, over the hilly ridge and across the river exits. For Allies, the goal is to of course prevent this. The forces begin in a non-symmetrical dispersion, which makes for a fun scenario.


7 VP’s, plus the Axis have Exit Medals they can try for.


There is a ridge of hills going across the center, plus some ravines to provide a bit of cover to infantry.


Allies – 10 Infantry, 4 Armor, 2 Artillery

Axis – 9 Infantry, 3 Armor, 1 Artillery

Allied Strategy:

1.  As the Allies you must defend against three objective medal locations, the two-hex towns of Golyadi, and Nekrasino, each worth one VP, there is also the frozen river exits along the bottom of the battlefield. Your objectives however, are simply to destroy six enemy units. There are seven enemy infantry units to target and some armor and artillery, if they give you the chance.

2. Be aware that the Axis have Combat Engineers who can attack your infantry in the trenches at close range – with no combat restrictions. So make it one of your early goals to finish them off.

3. Make good use of your artillery in the middle section to defend your troops in the trenches.

Axis Strategy:

1.  Attack with your frontline infantry right away, to create some movement space for your armor, and also to neutralize the nearby enemy who will quickly attack from close range.

2. Try to avoid your right flank which is packed with enemy forces ready to pounce with both armor, infantry, and artillery. You may have better luck on your left flank which has less enemy artillery power. 

3. You can also quickly overwhelm the enemy infantry at i6, to provide a proving ground for your forces to prepare for the breakout.

Classic Battle Reports:

(percentage of Allied victories)


Battle Reports:
BR - Lisyanka



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