Breakout at Klin

The breakout at Klin occurred during the Battle of Moscow in World War II in December 1941. After the German advance stalled near Moscow, Soviet forces launched a major counteroffensive, aiming to push German troops away from the Soviet capital. The town of Klin, located northwest of Moscow, was a strategic point for the Germans, who used it as a base for their operations.
6 VP’s
Card Balance:
Allies – 3
Axis – 6
Eastern Front
Battle of Moscow
At the start, the Axis are line up mostly against the lower border, while the Russians have control of much of the board. The objective for the Axis is to either destroy the forces, or as the name implies breakout past them to the exit hexes at the top of the battlefield. If the Axis can effect rapid movement (and Blitz rules are in effect to help with this ) they can make it past the Russian troops blocking their path in excellent defensive positions, and achieve victory.
It is a long 6 VP game, fought at, often, close quarters, while they Axis seek two objectives, to destroy the enemy and to escape the enemy.
This is a winter war with a mix of urban and countryside, making for an intersting battlefield deployment and field of play.
The Axis – 7 infantry, 4 armor, 2 artillery.
The Russians – 9 infantry, 2 armor, 1 artillery.
1. You are positioned very closely to the enemy on your left flank, and in the center at the trenches. Attack as much as you can before the enemy breaks out from their center section congestion.
2. You also have a well-placed center section artillery which you can use to decimate the enemy forces. Use it!
1. Axis, note that on your right flank the Russians are nearly on top of you, with a sandbagged infantry only two hexes away from your backwall, and another one three hexes away. Since you have two infantry hexes pressed against your back border, with no retreats, an early attack against you is going to result in several hits. If you can move on your right flank right away with a decisive attack, you can begin the breakout successfully.
2. The next immediate objective for the Axis forces is to get some mobility for your armored forces. Get them out from behind the town and factory hexes with which they begin the battle.
3. Note that you have two artillery units at your disposal in the center section. At the start of the battle, there are four enemy hexes within your full power two-hex attack. Use those artillery at every chance.
Class Battle Reports:
(percentage of Allied victories)