Battle of Warsaw

6 VP’s
Card Balance:
Allies – 5
Axis – 6
Countryside – Urban
Warsaw, Poland
Western Front
The Invasion of Poland
Case White / Fall Weib
The Axis begin in countryside, and thus, have ease of movement. But as soon as they begin to breach Warsaw, it becomes an urban challenge for them, and the tanks are much less useful.
6 VP’s, which can also include one temporary Medal Objective, if two of the four Fortress hexes are occupied.
This is a complex scenario with the Allies defending Warsaw as they are surrounded by Axis invaders. The battlefield is composed of roads, wire bales, sandbagged troops protected in city and church hexes. Since this is an urban scenario, the infantry will play a major role for both sides.
Allies – 10 Infantry; 2 Artillery
Axis – 10 Infantry; 6 Armor; 1 Artillery
1. Note that although the Axis have overwhelming armor advantage, the number of infantry hexes in this scenario are balanced at ten – ten. And since infantry are the primary forces useful for urban warfare, this part, at least, is good news for the Allies.
2. The Allies also have two well-placed artillery in two corners of the city. They can provide an effective deterrent against the Axis onslaught. Use them at every opportunity.
3. The scenario begins with two infantry forces out in the open on unguarded hexes. Get them into a town or church hex as you are able to, as there is no point in giving up easy VP’s to the enemy.
4. The Axis Infantry unit at A5 is in a no-retreat position. If you have the cards, you can gain some hits there early in the game.
Big Picture strategy for the Axis is to soften the urban infantry defenses with long-distance shelling from your artillery and armor. Only when they are weakened should you move in for the close assault from the infantry.
1. Two of the four Fortress hexes become a temporary Objective Medal if the Axis can keep and hold them. Note that although they are occupied by Polish troops at the start of the scenario, they are not sandbagged, like some of the town hexes. This makes them a possible point of attack for you.
2. The Axis have overwhelming armor forces, but given that this is an urban scenario, their fire-power is limited. They can be kept at a distance and used to soften the defenses in preparation for an infantry attack. Remember that armor and infantry are designed to work together.
3. However, should you get an armor assault card, you may give consideration to moving right next to all of the heavily guarded infantry hexes, so that you can complete a close assault maneuver with one extra dice for every attack. With two dice per attack, and four armor units, you can do serious damage to the enemy, and soften them up for your infantry assault. This will have the additional benefit of having the armor units automatically removing the barb wire, so that when the infantry does come, they can attack with more firepower. But once this is completed, then pull back your armor as quickly as possible.
4. The placement of your forces on the right flank is awkward. You have an infantry and an armor unit with no retreat option. Unless you move those to a better spot, they will be targeted by the Allied artillery, granting them a quick early VP.
Battle Reports
(percentage of Allied victories):
Days of Wonder