Bastogne Corridor West


The Battle of Bastogne Corridor West was a critical engagement during the Battle of the Bulge in World War II. Taking place in late December 1944, the fight centered around the German attempt to cut off the Bastogne corridor, a vital supply route for Allied forces defending the town of Bastogne in Belgium.

German forces launched a strong counterattack west of Bastogne, aiming to sever the link between the besieged town and the relieving U.S. Third Army, led by General George S. Patton. Despite heavy fighting and challenging winter conditions, American forces, supported by artillery and air strikes, successfully repelled the German advance. This action helped maintain the strategic lifeline to Bastogne, which was essential for the Allied defense and eventual breakout.

The battle showcased the resilience of American troops and marked a turning point in the Ardennes Offensive, as it thwarted the German objective of splitting Allied forces and prolonging the war.

6 VP’s 

including some territorial objective medals.


Card Balance:

5 – 5











Western Front




it was part of the larger Battle of the Bulge (German codename: Unternehmen Wacht am Rhein, or Operation Watch on the Rhine)


This is a reverse of the Corridor East scenario. But in this scenario both forces are pressed up against their respective borders. The scattered forests in the center of the battlefield are up for grabs to whomever can get to them first.


6 medals including territorial medals for each side by controlling their town objectives.


Winter, wooded, with open plains for fun tank battles


Allies – 8 Infantry, 7 Armor, 2 Artillery

Axis – 6 Infantry, 6 Armor, 1 Artillery


1.  Big picture strategy for Allies is to quickly mobilize your forces before the enemy armor moves in for attack.  Get your Infantry into defensive positions in the towns of Moricy, Remagne, Lavaselle, and Sibret if you can.  This will slow the Axis attack while you mobilize your own Armor.

2. You have two Artillery.  If the enemy moves forward quickly, you can begin using them immediately. If they delay advancement, you can move your own Artillery forward one or two hexes. Air Power cards are played as Artillery Bombardment, so it will be good to have your Artillery in a forward position, should that card become available.




1.  Big picture strategy is to move your Infantry into the forests, and mobilize your Armor rapidly for some early hits against the enemy before they have had a chance to mobilize.

2. Because there are a lot of open spaces, and a lot of Armor, this can become very much a tank battle. So choose your section and focus of attack carefully. The center section gives your forces the most mobility.




BR - Bastogne West


Days of Wonder


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