Bastogne Corridor East


The Battle of Bastogne Corridor East was a crucial engagement during the Battle of the Bulge in World War II. It occurred in late December 1944 and early January 1945, focusing on the eastern approach to the besieged town of Bastogne, Belgium.

German Objective: The German army aimed to break through U.S. defenses east of Bastogne to secure critical roads and regain momentum after their advance stalled.

Allied Response: U.S. forces, including the 101st Airborne and supporting armored divisions, mounted a fierce defense despite being surrounded and outnumbered. The weather improved, allowing Allied air support to deliver supplies and conduct airstrikes.

Outcome: The Allies successfully held the eastern corridor, repelling repeated German attacks. This defense helped maintain the Allied hold on Bastogne and contributed to the eventual German retreat, marking a turning point in the Ardennes Offensive.

Memoir 44 Details

6 VP’s

Card Balance:

5 – 5











Western Front


Ardennes (Battle of the Bulge)



Strategy Summary



6 VP’s, including Exit Medals for the Axis forces


In this scenario, the Allies control two-thirds of the battlefield at the start. Because there are scattered forests across the field of play, it makes it difficult for the Axis to push them out. But they begin the round with superior forces, while the Allies are crammed into the back of one flank.


Allies – 7 Infantry, 4 Armor, 2 Artillery

Axis – 8 Infantry, 5 Armor, 1 Infantry

Allied Strategy:

1. Big Picture Strategy:

Focus on defending villages and chokepoints, leveraging defensive terrain and slowing down Axis tanks. Keep units close to key areas like the exit markers to prevent breakthroughs.

2.  You have four armored units jammed together in the lower left flank. At least half of those will need to shift right to engage the enemy in the center section, to prevent Axis forces from escaping across the exit row.

Axis Strategy:

1. Big Picture Strategy:
Use tanks’ mobility to avoid prolonged battles in forests and villages. Concentrate forces for a decisive breakthrough toward the exit markers or to capture critical objectives like villages.

2.  Given the preponderence of the Allied armor on your right flank, this would be your weak flank. So be careful of launching an attack on that side unless you have a tremendous set of cards for it.

3. Also note that the Allied infantry at c6 is within a two dice attack of your no-retreat armor unit. So you will need to move that away quickly.

4. You have a lot of forces on your left flank. Spend a card to get them into the action in the center section when you can.

BR - Bastogne East


Days of Wonder


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