


1.  Do not underestimate the power of the infantry. Yes, they do not have the range of artillery or armor, but their power comes in working together. Their power is in numbers. They can move in and control territory.


2.  Special Forces

Be sure that you understand the unique super-power of each of the Special Forces units.

For example, the French Resistance has the ability to move into defensive terrain that would normally halt an attack, and continue to attacking. This makes their presence in forests very deadly – just like the real-life Resistance.

Rangers and Finnish Ski Troops can move two hexes and still attack.

Engineers can ignore terrain restrictions while attacking.  This is a major advantage when attacking a well-entrenched enemy.

Snipers are a long-range deadly threat against Infantry.  In fact, a Sniper against a no-retreat Infantry has a 5 in 6 chance of scoring a hit!

So read the rules carefully for each of the Special Forces under your command.


3.  Infantry Abilities by Nation

– Marines in the Pacific Theater have Gung-ho! powers.

– Imperial Japanese Army have three very powerful abilities based on their cultural doctrines. ( Yamato Damashi, Seishin Kyoiku, Banzai War Cry)

– French Resistance can move into woods & towns, and still attack.

– British Commonwealth Forces can battle back when nearly destroyed.




There are several unique ways that armor helps you to win Memoir 44 battles.  I will just mention three from the awesome “Tactics & Strategy Guide” by Alexis Beuve:

1.  Infantry Support
Do not send your Infantry out to fend for themselves against a powerful enemy, if you have tanks available. The two types of units are strongest when they work together.  Let the Armor shoot at the enemy from a distance of three hexes, and soften them up. This is especially true if the enemy is entrenched in a forest, bunker, or town hex.  Use your armor to weaken them so that, hopefully the Infantry can eliminate them and overtake their hex in one turn.

2.  Tactical Outflanking

Some scenarios are a race to a certain destination. It could be an exit hex, or a territorial objective. In either case, the ability to cover long distances quickly can win a game. Another aspect of outflanking, is simply to surround the enemy. By attacking with both Infantry and Armor, an enemy outpost can be very quickly eliminated.

3.  Tank Duels

These are always fun, and knowing how to maneuver your tank units into deadly attack combinations is a skill which will pay off nicely in the winner’s column.


Armor Overruns against Infantry

It is difficult to know when to move in close to Infantry for an armored attack followed by a possible overrun.  How do you know when to risk the possibility of a 2D or 3D retaliatory response, should the attack fail?

Quick summary of the answer: the statistical odds will favor a successful armored attack against and overrun against infantry when the number of dice you roll is twice than the number of figures you are attacking.  Are you rolling just 1D? You have a 50% chance of missing and getting hit back in return. But if you attack with 2D against one infantry, or 4D against two infantry, the odds of a kill are 75% and 69%.

Armor Overruns against Armor

The same rules apply for armor vs. armor attacks.  Since you have the same firepower from three hexes away as from right next to each other, the only reason to move in for a close assault is if you have a statistical probability of winning a second attack with Overrun.

The rule of thumb is basically the same as for armor vs. infantry. You want to have a 2-1 advantage in your attack before moving in for a close assault attack of armor vs. armor. So you would need a unit with at least two armor figures to attack another unit with one armor figure. Or, you want to have four armor figures to attack against an armor unit with just two figures.




Artillery can provide you with a powerful attack, or it can decimate your forces if it is aimed at you by the enemy.

Be aware of the Zones of Attack ( 2 hexes, 4 hexes, and 6 hexes away).  Do your best to stay out of the 3D and 2D attack range, until you have the cards to move in on an artillery.


Artillery has limited mobility (except for the Mobile Artillery units). In a single game, you may be able to move it only 1 or 2 hexes from its original destination, unless you are graced with an Artillery Bombard card which allows for a move of three hexes. But in many cases, even taking the time to move your Artillery one hex forward could double your offensive capabilities.

Special Units
  • Aircraft Carriers
  • Anti-Tank Units
  • Destroyers
  • Flame Thrower Tanks
  • Mobile Artillery
  • Tiger Tanks
  • Trains & Armored Trains
  • many others


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