Dice Percentages

When rolling just one Die

Infantry – 33%
Armor – 17%
Grenade – 17%
Star – 17%
Flag – 17%

Against Artillery

Odds of Destroying both Artillery figures with:
Two Dice 2.8%
Two Dice (w/ Star) 11%
Three Dice 7.4 %
Four dice 13%

Against Artillery - No Retreat

Odds of Destroying a No Retreat Artillery with:
Two Dice 11%
Two Dice (w/ Stars) 25%
Three Dice 26%
Four Dice 41%

Average number of single dice rolls to eliminate one no-retreat artillery figure = 3 rolls (1/3 chance for each either Grenade or Flag).  

Average number of single dice rolls to eliminate a complete two-figure no-retreat artillery unit = 6 rolls. 

Against Armor

Odds of rolling at least one hit against armor
One Die 33%
Two Dice 55%
Three Dice 70%


Odds of rolling at least two hits against armor
Two Dice 11%
Three Dice 26%
Four Dice 41%



Odds of rolling at least three hits against Armor
Three Dice 3.7%
Four Dice 11%
Against Armor - No Retreat

( Note that an attack against a No-Retreat Armor has the same odds as an attack against Infantry with Retreat. )

Odds of rolling at least one hit against no-retreat armor
One Die 50%
Two Dice 75%
Three Dice 87%


Odds of destroying a 3-figure no-retreat Armor unit
 3 Dice 12.5%
4 Dice 31%
Against Infantry

Odds of rolling at least one hit against Infantry
One Die 50%
Two Dice 75%
Three Dice 87%
Four Dice 94%
with a Sniper 66%


Odds of rolling at least two hits against Infantry
Two Dice 25%
Three Dice 50%
Four Dice 69%


Odds of rolling at least three hits against Infantry
Three Dice 12.5%
Four Dice 31%



Odds of destroying a complete Infantry unit
Four Dice 6%
Against Infantry - No Retreat

Odds of rolling at least one hit against no-retreat Infantry
One Die 66%
Two Dice 89%
Three Dice 96%


Odds of destroying a complete no-retreat Infantry unit
Four Dice 20%


Odds for an Armor Overrun


Against a single Infantry figure
1D 58%
2D 83%
3D 93%
4D 97%


Against a single Armor figure
1D 44%
2D 70%
3D 83%
4D 90%
Odds for a Barrage
Artillery 1 figure 52%
Infantry 2 figures 69%
Armor 2 figures, w/o retreat 69%
Infantry 3 figures, w/o retreat 59%
Armor 3 figures, w/o retreat 31%
Artillery 2 figures, w/o retreat 41%

( stats from Memoir 44: Tactic & Strategy Guide, Alexis Beuve and ChatGPT)

Odds of a Flag Roll

1 Die 17%
2 Dice 31%
3 Dice 42%
4 Dice 52%

( Please be advised: Most of these percentages were calculated with ChatGPT. )

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