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Saverne Gap - Deep Infantry Attack

Saverne Gap is an interesting scenario because of the way the mountains prevent movement between sections. It is really about managing three separate battles, with very little crossover.

Once in a while, the Allies can make a deep attack down the center.

Take a look at this picture. Because of a great set of center attack, assault, infantry advance cards, the Allied infantry have almost taken over the town of Saverne, which would be an instant win if they hold two hexes at the end of their turn.  This picture shows how a Their Finest Hour card allowed the Allies to eliminate the powerful Axis Artillery, and capture the first town hex.

Then look at the second pic.  I thought for sure that the single Allied unit would get destroyed, but the Axis were out of center cards (because Allies had spent them all - "Card Removal Affect" [ see General Howitzer / Strategy / Hand Management ], so they were unable to attack. So the Allies just walked into the town of Saverne among cheers of liberated people!

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