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Saint Mere Eglise - Best Place to Paradrop?

If you have played Memoir 44 as Allies in Saint Mere Eglise a few times, you have probably wondered, as I have, where is the best location to drop into?  I've tried them all.

Of course, the cards are always the primary guide for where to drop.  If all you cards point to an attack on the right flank, you don't want to drop your hapless paratroopers on the left flank.  But all things being equal, where is the best place?  Or, if you have attack cards for the left flank, where do you position that initial drop hex.  (We know that a randomization factor happens, and the troops will land (or not, in some cases), somewhere around the point you choose.

Well, if you have attack cards for the left flank, I think the best hex to point for the drop is C7, just NW of the two town hexes of Neuville-au-Plain. If you choose this, some paratroopers will land right next to the enemy, and some in the forest, but often very close so that they are ready to fight.

In a recent game, I chose C7, and then had an Infantry Assault card, and this was the result (see second pic), where the Allied Paratroopers have completely blocked off the Axis forces in the left flank corner. The result was a quick set of kills of the enemy forces.

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