Game Stages
Like a chess game, there are three stages of any Memoir 44 battle. Different strategic rules will apply depending on the stage.
The Opening
How you approach the Opening will depend on the length of the scenario. For short ones like 4 or 5 VP’s, your primary focus will be on Tactics, not Strategy. You will go for quick hits, and amassed firepower to quickly mow down the enemy.
For longer scenarios of 6 VP’s or more, you will have to practice a more nuanced approach, and plan your attack. Give consideration to positional advantages through terrain control, artillery placement, and cohesion of armor and infantry forces for a unifed attack.
The one theater where this principle for the Opening does not apply as much are the desert battles. In many cases, these are simply tank attack battles, and the person who hits first usually wins (if they can make use of Armor Overrun). There is little time to manuever and plan. You just have to hit quick and hard.
Before you start a game, take a look at the battlefield of play. Count the number of units you have in each section compared to the enemy. Determine which are your strong and weak sections. Your strong section is determined by terrain and troops. Based on that, you want to start massaging your cards towards strengthening your attack into your strong section.
The Middle Game
The Middle game commences once one-third of the required medals are earned, or when most of your forces are positioned and ready for assault (in long scenarios). For short scenarios of only four points, we are in the Middle game already at the point of the first VP win.
For long scenarios, the Middle will consist of good card management, long-running battles for terrain or points in one section, and bloody medal encounters that cost both sides points.
Your strategy will need to adapt, and perhaps change during the middle game as the situation evolves.
If you are behind during the middle game, you need to complicate things, attack, and take risks.
If you are ahead, and you can safely trade medal for medal, then do it. But be aware that if you have several units that are quite weak, with 50% or less forces, that your position may be more precarious than it seems. You could be open to multi-unit losses in a single concerted attack.
The Endgame
The Endgame begins approximately at the place where one player only needs two more VP’s to achieve victory. At this point, the strategy changes to a singular focus upon quick tactical hits to win those final points. For really long scenarios of 10 VP’s, it may begin at the point where there are three VP’s remaining to be gained.
At two points from a win, the strategy shifts to a tactical battle for points. The Memoir 44 Tactics & Strategy Guide reports that once one player is within a single VP of the total needed, they win 60% of the time. So this makes the hunt for the final medals all the more urgent.
Your strategy for the end game varies depending on the VP score:
- When behind – do not take risks; protect all vulnerable units.
- When tied – seek a terrain advantage over your opponent, without taking risks to do it. Seek to focus on enemy weakness.
- When in the lead – seek quick tactical trades or wins. Even a trade of medals when you are in the lead, will work to your advantage.